Abby Johnson

"tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies…"

Abby on Huckabee

me on Abby


Nov 8th show

2 mins in (when we get sound back)

Comments on Abby’s interview with Huckabee:

I love how she admits that she was looking for a job, guess she found one. Teddy from cites confidential sources (as do I) who told us that Shawn Carney told Abby that if she "went public" she would "never have to worry about money again."

Also, she lies about the abortion and ultrasound procedure. I really resent her saying they don’t take time with each person, that is an outright LIE. Before quitting, Abby touted ultrasound abortions b/c they are help everything move more smoothly and more safely. After the day she spent (a whole day) performing these ultrasounds during abortions, she was happy about it and excited told people about how good it felt.

Also, they gave her a restraining order because people saw her copying documents in the clinic including confidential organization. She’s working with the CFL, who writes down license plate numbers, videotapes, and tries like heck to get the addresses of people who affiliate with PP so they can HARASS THEM in their backyards.

As to her being a mother, most women who have abortions already HAVE children.

When she says that the abortion industry doesn’t want you to see the abortions: I’ve SEEN THEM. And no scars to show for it. No scales falling from my eyes.

Abby was a disgruntled employee looking for a way out. Luckily the CFL and its deep pockets were there in her time of need.


-Shelly Blair

Resident of Bryan, Texas

Co-host of Fair and Feminist on KEOS

Staunch pro-choicer

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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