FBI Rescues Child Prostitutes, Pimps Are Thrown In Prison

It’s a lovely day in law enforcement history when a war we can all agree with is waged and won. The War Against Child Prostitution or Operation Cross Country rescued over 50 children, the youngest being 10 and arrested well over 700 suspect and pimps arrested and charged.
Why wasn’t this something plastered all over the news? When FBI busted a big drug pin it’s all over the place, non stop coverage, pictures of pot or heroine everywhere. Now that they have actually done something not only commendable but something that needs the media attention for the awareness factor it’s but a blip on the news radar.
I’m hoping I’m wrong and that somewhere there is someone who has reported this and I’m just late to the scene.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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