Without Models

That’s the announcement on the opening page of the site of Brigitte, Germany’s best selling women’s magazine. The editor announced recently that, from now on, the publication would only feature normal sized women. This came after complains from readers that there were too many models with “protruding bones” portrayed in their pages.
I say this is good news! Not that everyone agrees, the owner of a modelling agency in Munich, claimed: “The fact is that women want to see clothes on beautiful, aesthetically pleasing people,” she said.
Right, that’s what they want the most, right after wanting to develop low self esteem and impossible body standards to hunt them their whole lives…
I think it’s remarkable that this was an initiative from the magazine… given that the fashion industry is both one of the most influential in determining body standards, and one of the most resistant to change and easily dismissed as “silly women’s stuff” when one starts thinking of public initiatives to shape these trends. Still, some instances exist, such as the Spanish government banning too-thin models from appearing in catwalks, and–indirectly–the EU regulation of sexist advertisement. What do you think?
The Guardian article.

Suedeutsche article (in German).

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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