Anti-choice Activist Shot Dead

Today, an anti-choice activist was shot dead in front of a high school in Michigan. He apparently protested at the high school regularly. It’s unknown whether or not the murder had to do with his anti-choice stance, but I say that it’s likely that it is.

I am a pro-choice activist. I care deeply about women’s rights and abortion rights. If someone asks me what issue I care the most about, I’ll say “abortion rights”. Hands down, no questions asked. I can not stand the anti-choice. I refuse to befriend them, and I try to avoid even acquanting myself with them. Some people might say that I hate them. I don’t think that I hate anybody, but I know it’s pretty damn close when it comes to the anti-choice.

But, despite all of this, THIS is unacceptable. It’s unacceptable to murder those on the other side, even if they are fighting against our rights. It’s unacceptable just as it’s unacceptable to murder anyone else. It’s immoral, and it’s also detrimental to our cause. The pro-choice movement can not stoop down to the level of the terrorists that protest at clinics,  or in front of high schools, or at pro-choice events, or anywhere else. We can not help our cause by killing others. I believe that the pro-choice movement has been growing stronger since Dr. Tiller’s assassination in May, and although the anti-choicer that was murdered today was not nearly as well known as Dr. Tiller, the anti-choicers are going to use this oppurtunity to further their political agenda. They will claim to do what they do in the name of “life”, no matter who’s lives they may destroy or who’s rights they will eliminate.

I can’t tolerate the anti-choicers, but I sure as hell can’t tolerate murder, either.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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