I cannot take it anymore. (vent)

I can’t fucking take it anymore.

I keep reading posts about how everyone has all these wonderful feminist friends and how they’ve taken such a long time to carve out this amazing niche of people just like them. Well, congratulations. Let’s just throw you a party. Most people have to take what they get.

If someone shows at least the slightest indication that they don’t completely hate me — not exactly a common occurrence — I have to hang on them for dear life. I have a deeply vested interest in not pissing it off. But I can’t take it anymore. The people I know make rape jokes at a rate of roughly one per hour, for instance, and they haven’t stopped no matter how many times I tell them to, explain why they suck, etc. It’s to the point where it is legitimately pissing them off and driving them away. The rest of their attitudes toward women are much the same. My coworkers are no better.

But I don’t have anyone to take their place. And don’t tell me to meet new people. It isn’t as if I haven’t been trying this for over two decades. My question is, what do you do when your two choices are anti-feminist friends or no friends at all?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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