Feminist Label- Not So Feminist lifestyle

SO I’ve been reading the feminist blogosphere lately, getting a refreshing dose of feminist opinions and ideas from other women on different topics, we don’t always agree but we all call ourselves feminists.
But how do you reconcile the disagreement over deeply feminist ideals?
Is it ok to be feminist but think an abortion is killing your child?
Is it ok to be feminist and absolutely adore your father and be not so close with your mother?
Is it ok to be feminist and thin or a “fat” feminist who not only wants to be smaller but actively doing things to be smaller while feminism preaches acceptance of our bodies and destigmitizing plus sized bodies?
Is it ok to be feminist and a heterosexual cis-gendered wife?
Is it ok to be feminist and a stay at home heterosexual cis-gendered mother?
Is it ok to be feminist and secretly hope your child (future or born) grows into a cis-gendered, heterosexual, highly financially and corporately successful adult?
There are women who are pro-choice, pro-equality, pro-equal pay, pro-gay marriage, pro freedom of religion (or not to be religious at all), pro-environment, pro-gressive and yet they prefer to lead their own lives is very traditional ways that clash with the feminist ideals. Can these women still be called feminists without contradicting themselves or feminism as a whole?
What are your thoughts?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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