What We Missed

Jezebel points out that while Perez Hilton is rightly being called out for his homophobic comment, he never gets called out for his constant misogyny.
Michelle Goldberg has a smart piece in The American Prospect about France’s Burqa restrictions and the issues brought up by immigration and progressive political movements.
From RH Reality Check, Spain makes emergency contraception accessible to all women over the counter, without a prescription.
A new tool for using Twitter for activism. Act.ly allows you to petition someone via Twitter. It’s already been used to ask Wired to include more women and people of color in their panels!
President Obama hosts a town hall on health care reform on ABC News at 10pm EST tonight.
Feministing was mentioned in The Lesbian and Gay Foundation’s Top 100 LGBT blogs list. It’s nice to be acknowledged for all our queer content!

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