Hey Blackwater, you’ve got a gender-neutral pronoun for a name!

You can file this under mostly irrelevant but maybe amusing.

Seeking to re-brand in order to distance itself from controversy and diversify in a tough economy, notorious private military company Blackwater Worldwide has abandoned all iterations of its butch but amateurish bear paw/cross hair logo in favor of something a little sleeker

Spokesperson Tyrrell explains, ""We’ve taken the company to a place where it is no longer accurately described as Blackwater," and accordingly, been re-named "Xe," pronounced "Zee."

The company formally known as Blackwater did not attatch any particular meaning to Xe, and are probably unaware of it’s use as a gender-neutral pronoun.  I imagine it was a happy accident.

More information on Xe (the pronoun)

More inforation on Xe (the company)

Crossposted at citizengirl.org

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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