The Pill Kills? Um… no.

(crossposted at Amplify)

If you thought the radical anti-choice movement limited their dangerous accusations of murder and genocide to late-term abortions… think again.

This Saturday is a nationwide protest in order to call attention to the nationwide mass murder that is…. birth control pills ? Seriously…

On Saturday, June 6, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how the pill kills babies . This year, we will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. We will emphasize the truth about how the pill kills women .

These delusional folks are encouraging people to show up at Planned Parenthood clinics all over the country. Gee, I wonder if any people crazy enough to think that regular birth control murders hundreds of millions of "people" per year will resort to violence? Oh no… that could never happen from such "pro-life" role models…. right?

This is the true face of the anti-choice movement: blatant lies, scare tactics, and hyperbolic accusations of "murder".

And this is the face that the anti-choice movement often tries to hide behind a mask of mainstream "moderation". Amanda Marcotte at RH Reality Check recently discovered an anti-choice activist handbook that gives tips on how to debate people on this issue without sounding as crazy as they really are.

For example, check out how they recommend dealing with the issue of birth control:

In the section titled "Why Don’t You Pass Out Condoms and Promote Birth Control?," the authors tacitly admit that sensible people might be put off by the anti-choice movement’s willingness to increase the abortion rate by standing as firmly against contraception, especially the birth control pill, as they do legal abortion. So instead of allowing members to admit their hostility to all forms of contraception, they instruct them to conceal their beliefs until a target has been softened up to hear about their true message–sexual abstinence for all not trying to procreate–through a series of dodgy, misleading arguments, including misinformation about how the birth control pill works.

This tactic is a mainstay of the anti-choice movement: it shows one face to the initiated, and another to the public, especially on the topic of contraception. Once you realize this, the movement’s half-hearted denunciations of Dr. Tiller’s murder, coupled with the enthusiastic return to calling Dr. Tiller a monster, become all the more chilling.

Chilling indeed. Because the true face of this movement not only considers Dr. George Tiller a genocidal murderer… they consider the millions of women around the country who take birth control as murderers, too.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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