Brilliant Idea?

Okay, so when reading Marc’s comment on sbherold’s post about Dr. George Tiller, I had an Idea. 

What Marc said to give me this idea was:

"I only wish there were a bumper sticker that says, "Support the Abortion Providers," abortion provider discounts, abortion provider appreciation nights and such. You deserve it."

And, well, I don’t own a business, so I can’t do anything about the latter two desires, but bumper stickers?  There’s a website for that.  Bumper stickers, t-shirts, buttons, whatever we want. 

I move that we, the members of the Feministing Community Blog, set up a CafePress store in honor of the memory of Dr. George Tiller, selling products which honor the devoted service of abortion providers.  And when people purchase an item, the proceeds from it will go directly to a non-profit–I’m thinking Medical Students For Choice, but if anyone has other suggestions, leave them in comments.

The only hitch (and the reason I’m posting here rather than just setting up the store myself and getting to work right now) is that I’m not artistically talented.  My creativity extends to poetry and prose-writing, not to visual arts. I’m sure I could create some thing on Paint, but it wouldn’t be as good as something made by someone who actually has artistic talent.

So…if there’s anyone here who IS artistic and who would like to make a design…have at it.  As many people as want to, I’d like this to be as big of a group project as it can be.  My e-mail address is

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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