So much for aging gracefully

Ever get caught somwhere between a laugh and a little bit of vomit? Yeah, me neither, but that’s kinda where I’m at after seeing this story pop up on HuffPo today:

But Janet and Jane are not twins. They aren’t even sisters. They are mother and daughter. And, in what many will see as a depressing indictment of today’s youth-obsessed society, Janet confesses to having spent more than £10,000 on plastic surgery in a desperate effort to bridge the 22-year age gap between herself and her daughter.

Because who needs individuality when you’ve got £10,000 at your disposal?

What’s this I keep hearing about the economy failing?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

Writer, wanderer, feminist, comedy fan, ninja princess.

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