If your wife nagged you, expect to get a reduced sentence for stabbing her to death

Morning ladies,

Following on from the recent studies about how a frightening amount of people in the UK think that domestic violence is justified in certain circumstances, have a look at this storyin the news today.

Although obviously it’s a victory for the victim, her family, and sufferers of DV that the murderer received a ‘life’ sentence, what undermines the impact of the sentencing is the fact that judge felt the need to mention that the murderer’s "uncontrolled temper had been triggered on the night by something the victim said or did." Because we all know that angry words from your wife trigger you pushing a knife into her neck, right?

It’s also telling that ITN, reporting the story, felt the need to present it thus: "A man who stabbed his partner 177 times in a brutal attack triggered by nagging has been jailed for life. "

I’m so stunned and dismayed by the victim-blaming in this article I’m tempted to complain both to those who reported it, and the judiciary. When will people understand? IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU DID, WHAT YOU SAID, OR WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE, NOTHING MAKES A MAN HIT OR HURT YOU EXCEPT THE MAN HIMSELF!!!


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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