Things that make you go hmmm.

The New Zealand government has stopped investigations into pay inequity issues because they decided it would be too costly. Huh.

The investigations were set up by the previous Government and include research into why social workers at Child, Youth and Family are paid 9.5% less than their male counterparts and into inequities in female school support workers’ wages.
Cancelling the investigations, State Services Minister Tony Ryall said addressing pay inequity would “generate an additional form of remuneration pressure that is unaffordable in the current economic and fiscal environment”.
Council of Trade Unions president Helen Kelly says working women deserve better.
“It is one thing to urge pay restraint in the public sector but quite another to endorse the unfair underpayment of these workers. The Government is effectively telling its own female employees that it doesn’t care if it is discriminating against them.

Yeah, that sounds about right. I guess costliness doesn’t matter so long as it’s coming out of women’s pockets.

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