Lately on feministing.

I’ve been an avid reader & commenter of feministing since early 07′ and I’ve read A LOT of comments and posts. Recently, I’ve been noticing a lot of negativity in the comments. There are a few users (one in particular) I’ve noticed that comment often, and always seem to try to invalidate the OP’s ideas and ALWAYS try to contradict what the poster says. I understand that sometimes we as feminists don’t agree, but this particular user ALWAYS seems to want to stir up controversy with a bit of anti-feminism. There are always topics that have a fair share of opposing view points, but lately it seems ALL of the topics have a few comments from users that seem out of place. I’m just wondering if I’m the only regular who has noticed this.
Is it because there’s more traffic? Or are these users actually trolls that are pretending to be a part of our community? What are your thoughts?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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