Women and Anxiety

While bored and rummaging through the blogosphere the other evening I came across this blog . The author talks about her own experiences with anxiety and the extra baggage that comes with being a woman with anxiety.

An excerpt from the post…

There are many things though I hear, even from other women, about anxiety in general. They are stereotypical and completely incorrect. In general, many of them are used as stereotypes against women as ways to dismiss them.

Just the thought made me mad.. not mad at the author but mad at society for finding ways to ‘dismiss’ real problems as just ‘feminine issues’, like PMS (which she talks about).

I’d actually suggest anyone who has anxiety or knows someone with severe anxiety read the blog and not just the one post (start from the beginning or some references may leave you clueless). It is a very keen look into the mind of someone who has an anxiety disorder and the fight they go through knowing what they feel is irrational but not being able to reconcile it with how they should feel.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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