“Hi, I’m a Wii” Commercial

I don’t know if people have seen this commercial before (it’s a bit old), but I thought it worth posting. It is a take off on the Mac versus PC commercials. This commercial is Wii versus Playstation 3 with each product represented by a woman. It reinforces the “smart but plain, angry, and humorless” and “dumb but hot and fun” stereotypes as though a woman cannot be both smart and beautiful. And of course it panders to the patriarchal view of a “fun” woman who is sexually available without any of that annoying thinking involved. Whatever the pros and cons of the actual products themselves, the commercial is a bust.
Highlights of the commercial: bodyshots of Wii running her hands over herself; Wii saying, “I’m cheap…*and* fun”; and Wii slapping her own ass *twice*.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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