Feminist webcomics

Part of having a job that isn’t 100% engaging is finding things to do when sitting on a conference call with nothing to contribute. Enter: webcomics!

Those are just a couple that I read regularly, and I just realized how pro-feminist  couple of them are; I’d like to share those with everyone:

xkcd , a great stick-figure-prominent comic about relationships, online culture, and mathematics (Cara at feministe rallied for xkcd in the 2008 Weblog awards. It’s winning!!)

- Questionable Content , about a bunch of 20-something hipsters in Northampton, MA. The protagonist is a feminist man, but the cast is mostly prominent female characters, with dynamic personalities and all drawn beautifully. Indie music, sex, and internet jokes prevail.

- Girls with Slingshots , "Two girls, a bar, and a talking cactus, six times a week!" Sex-centric. In a wonderful way.

Your favorites?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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