‘Man wants kidney back from cheating wife’

Horrible. He gave her a kidney several years ago, now he wants it back because he’s fallen out with this woman, even if it kills her, or an unaffordable ‘cash equivalent’. I sincerely hope he doesn’t win this case. It’s her kidney now, he gave it to her without any kind of contract which said he could have it back some time. Just the same as he had to give his consent to have a kidney removed when it was living inside him, she should have to give her consent to have it removed, too, now it’s living in her.
Of course, the MRAs are all over this, saying that he has a right to ‘his’ kidney, and that it doesn’t matter whose body it resides in, as long as it was in his first. Some interesting parallels can be drawn from this to reproductive choice. A lot of MRAs seem to feel that men should have equal say on whether a woman has an abortion because it was his sperm that fertilized the egg. They seem to feel the same way about this. Of course I’m pro-choice and in line with that, I believe he had to choose what happened to his body when it was a part of him, and since it’s a part of her body now, it’s her choice, not his. And I would feel the same if the sexes of the people involved were reversed.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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