Gynecology Secrets

I found these yesterday and thought I should share them, since the very idea of secrets in gynecology seems so wrong.  Everyone should know everything she can about her body.

Gynecology Secrets You Need to Know

Personally, the only one I knew was the first one, though I’d like to think that I could have deduced "Secret #5" on my own.

#6 reminds me of the time I contracted bacterial vaginosis .  Though no one is sure what causes it, I’m convinced it was the 11 hour plane ride (almost all of which I was seated) in non-cotton underwear, since I left home fine and arrived in Sweden with a malodorous discharge. 

Also, I wish they would add that birth control can basically drain your body of Vitamin B – which helps you absorb nutrition from your food, helps give you energy, and keeps you happy.  I only learned this myself when I was a 20-year-old vegetarian (who rarely or never ate the various food sources of Vitamin B ) who started having panic attacks and feeling dizzy all the time.  I didn’t have any idea it could be connected to my birth control but asked my doctor about the panic attacks while visiting for something else – one of the first things she said was, "You’re on birth control, aren’t you?".

What "secrets" would you add?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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