’s “Best” Books of 2008

We noticed something interesting about’s list of Editors’ Picks for the 100 best books of 2008 .

Out of the top ten books on the list, only one is written by a woman. And there are only three books by women in the top 25, five in the top 35, and 27 in the full top 100 (including one book co-written by a woman and a man). Now, we’re not suggesting that every list of this type has to have perfect 50/50 gender parity, but these numbers seem kinda skewed to us. Somehow we really doubt that 2008 was just an ‘off year’ for women writers, so we’re forced to conclude that this list can suck it.  It also makes us feel like putting together a long list of books by women to read in 2009.

So, what was your favorite book written by a woman in 2008?  It could also be something written earlier that you read for the first time last year.

[Cross-posted from Evil Slutopia ]

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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