Who Knew Rape Could Be So Funny?

My boyfriend and I were talking about the ridiculousness that is the "man rule" and he pulled up a facebook group called "Man Laws." The second rule is to always respect women, though after looking at the 100-some laws, it seems that only raping/beating a woman is considered disrespectful. I have this knack for finding things that make me angry, and boy did I find a whopper this time. The discussion topic was "Funny Sex positions/acts." <a href="http://www.facebook.com/board.php?uid=2213557603&f=2&start=30&hash=8ac29be30900f66c01e4610192b85028#/topic.php?uid=2213557603&topic=19186


I was not expecting to find anything close to what I found.

Most of the posters decided to post names of sex acts, then what they involved. They all involved either rape, violence, or both. They include such things as switching out who is having sex with a woman from behind without her knowing, ejaculating on her face and punching her in both eyes or nose, telling her you have a sexual disease while doing her from behind an trying to hold on, defecating in her vagina, and ejaculating in her eye an kicking her in the shins. These aren’t thing you actually do, (hopefully) they are just "jokes."

But why? What’s so funny? They were all puns it seems, which is the humor behind them, but why is any of this actually funny? How do rape jokes not disrepect women? Do you seriously have to rape/beat a woman in order to disrepect her? Is everything else seriously a-okay? Do people even realize that what these are are rape jokes? Just more proof that rape culture actually exists, and is flourishing on facebook.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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