“The Marketing of Evil” — WTF?!

So as I was reading this post on Feministing, I stumbled upon this link to a book by the editor of WorldNetDaily, the (unfortunately) "world’s largest independent news site." (That a conservative and Christian-oriented "independent" news website managed to become the largest in the world is unbeleivable.)

The book is about how Americans apparently fell victim to evil through the use of very clever marketing and PR campaigns. And of course, this "evil" includes being gay and getting "unrestricted abortions-on-demand" (um, has he been living under a rock in Lapland for the past 20 years?)

Furthermore, he’s spouting this nonsense:

Likewise, most of us mistakenly believe the "abortion rights" and "gay rights" movements were spontaneous, grassroots uprisings of neglected or persecuted minorities wanting to breathe free. Few people realize America was actually "sold" on abortion thanks to an audacious public relations campaign that relied on fantastic lies and fabrications. Or that the "gay rights" movement – which transformed America’s former view of homosexuals as self-destructive human beings into their current status as victims and cultural heroes – faithfully followed an in-depth, phased plan laid out by professional Harvard-trained marketers.

Clearly, he’s selling yet another conspiracy theory to try and convince Americans that they’re being tricked into becoming "amoral" or "gay" – this is apparently the only way left to try and get people to hop back onto the conservative/republican/christian bandwagon. Never mind the fact that the only people who don’t already believe this crap that would actually buy his book are those who would want to read it for the sole purpose of ripping every one of his arguments to shreds.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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