Repulicans are Classy.

At least according to a floor-mate in my college dorm.

This girl on my floor had a lot of comics and signs up letting everyone know she was Republican weeks before the election. I saw on her white board on her door today someone had written "How do you like the turnout of the election?" (I have a "victory!!" sign on my door with a picture of Obama, and it’s right across the hall from the bathroom, so I’m guessing she noticed.) She drew an arrow to the message on her whiteboard saying, and I quote:

"This is why I’m republican. We are classy and don’t rub it in people’s faces."

Ha. I laughed. Sure, she didn’t rub her victory in anyone’s face (because she didn’t have a victory to rub in anyone’s face, which doesn’t mean she would have had McCain won,) but republicans? Classy? Forget for a minute that republicans around the country used the ‘classy’ methods of fear, racism, sexism, lies, and smears to get people to not vote democrat for a second.  Let me explain the cartoons on her door.

One was a man with Obama across a table from him. The man said he hated America, wanted to bomb it, loved terrorists, etc. He asked Obama what he thought, and Obama said "Will you baptize my children?"  The second one was a picture of Obama’s head on Steve Carrell’s body in the 40 Year Old Virgin poster. It talked about how he wasn’t ready to lead yadda yadda. The third was a man giving halloween candy to children, but he said "I’m going to take your candy and give it to children who are too lazy to go trick-or-treating themselves!" with the children replying "Oh no, a democrat." Yeah. Real classy.

Am I saying that democrats were ‘classy’ throughout th election? No. Am I saying that it is ok to truly rub it in Republican’s faces that they lost? No. But being happy that our candidate won and letting you know we are happy about it is not rubbing it in anyone’s face. And don’t dare try to say republicans are any better than democrats just because we are letting people know how happy we are that Obama beat McCain. This is a major victory. People have every damn right to be happy that Obama won.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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