About those rape prevention chain letters

Hi Ladies, I wrote this for another online community response but I wanted to share it with the community here as well.
How many of us have been swamped with these rape prevention chain letters?
Born and raised in a rape culture I occasionally get a bit overwhelmed with “Ladies here’s what you need to do” lists.
How about we as like minded adults who think rape is not a valid sport like undertaking for the human race firmly and utterly stop allowing our entertainment and advertising industries frame it as such?
How about a chain letter, fuck it, how about live conversations with people we have relationships with talking about why so many tv shows, movies, and even video games enshrine rape as a valid erotic sexual power dynamic?
How many times do I have to walk out of a movie that has a brutal rape of a woman in it to justify the vigilante origin story of someone, usually a guy? Why are movies like Deadgirl even being made? Revenge plot justifies rape of a zombie girl… fuck off and take The General’s Daughter with you.
How about some actual teaching devices about why rape is not a powerful sexy thing to do to anyone male or female?
Instead the world gets ads blaming girls for drinking and so getting raped. Don’t forget kids, if you drink you will be raped. (via Feministing.com)
So kindly take your list of paranoia off of chain letter circulation and consider what you can do to dismantle the rape culture. You’re soaking in it.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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