“sacred” sex

Some folks weren’t comfortable with Barack Obama’s assessment of sex as "sacred," but in a way, I agree with him.  Certainly not in the "within the bonds of a holy marriage" rubbish or some sort of prize to be given to one person, especially if you are female, but sex is awe-some.  And there is nothing wrong with saying that.  And please excuse me if I get a little hippy-dippy from here on out.

I wish that sex was considered "sacred" and not about turning into that cup of spit water, or fuzzy piece of duct tape.  That does nothing to foster the notion that your body is special and important.  Knowledge is sacred.  Consent is sacred.  Safety is sacred.

When I experience sex, either with my self or shared with my partner, I am doing something that is beyond the normal.  Sex is supposed to feel good, it is supposed to be a pleasurable, orgasmic experience.  Whether I’m having sex because I just want to feel good, make my partner feel good, because I’m craving closeness, or I want new and exciting sensations, I’m doing it because it is a selfish endevour to reach beyond what I feel when im watching tv, or making dinner.  Who hasnt had mind-blowing sex, where afterwards you feel in love with the world and are filled with a special glow?   That sounds like a lot of religious experiences if you ask me.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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