Anti-Feminist Mailbag!

Here at Feministing we get our fair share of hate mail. And for whatever reason, the last few weeks have brought in a tidal wave of emails and trollish comments (I’m sure you’ve noticed). So for your anti-feminist mocking pleasure, here’s a recent email we got from, who thinks our coverage of Palin is a clear indication that we’re just jealous of her superhotness.

Why are you obsessed with Sarah Palin? Are you jealous of her? Are you pissed that she has accomplished things without whining like a little child? Before you get all upset and call me a right-wing nut, I’m not voting for McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden. They all suck. But, you girls on are what I would call stereotypical women. You are jealous, angry, and resentful of women who have success. It’s probably because she is hotter than any of you girls on feminsting. And that is at age 44. You girls have no chance of being that hot when you are that age. Oh, before you get all upset, it is not sexism to call a woman hot. That is just something that you have made up in your mind. Your site sucks. Samhita is a major league racist. You say you are strong, powerful and independent, yet you are constantly whining about wage gaps (which don’t exist), abortion (women have all rights in this arena), and rape (so many false accusations it isn’t funny). Do yourself a favor and get a life. You live a pathetic existence.
PS I know you won’t reply because you are weak. You are not equal to men because you openly admit this daily on your site by constant whining.

I swear, this actually brought a smile to my face (okay, more like a smirk, but whatevs). It just warms my heart to know that if we’re pissing people like this off, we’re definitely doing something right.

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