Obama supports infanticide?

Cross posted from my own blog:
I hate it when graphic, difficult medical situations are manipulated by anti-choice wing nuts to tug at the heart strings of people who would otherwise be a good fit for a democratic vote, based on their soft heartedness. Some classmates of mine seem to be concerned that Obama supports “infanticide.”
You can read all about the bill he opposed here at factcheck.org, but in a nutshell, it was one of those anti-choice bills that try to take isolated incidents in medicine and define the entire abortion debate with their gross misrepresentations and disgusting insistence on playing some sort of “what’s grosser than gross?” contest with women’s rights and medical ethics. If first trimester abortion is one of the most common medical procedures in the country, and late term abortions make up a minute fraction, about 4% according to the Guttmacher institute of abortions, why do they get so much attention?

In the link above, anti-choice activist Jill Stanek claims that she was not allowed to “save” a 22 week gestational age Down syndrome fetus from a termination of pregnancy. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics:
“Nevertheless, most neonatologists would agree that survival of infants younger than approximately 22 to 23 weeks’ estimated gestational age is universally dismal and that resuscitative efforts should not be undertaken when a neonate is born at this point in pregnancy.”
Illinois law already protects viable infants. With Stanek’s definition, the American Academy of Pediatrics are baby killers too.
This is the same woman who rails against the birth control pill constantly. She has issues.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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