Banned Books

Banned Book Week is coming up and as a wanna-be librarian and all around booknerd, censorship really grinds my gears.
And one of the many things Sarah Palin did as mayor was this. Only after much pressure was the librarian reinstated.

So following the lines of the Planned Parenthood fundraiser, I suggest donating banned books to your local library in Sarah Palin’s name. A list of challenged books may be found at the ALA’s website.
I live in Texas, in a town smaller than Wasila, AK and our local library fits in less than 2,000 square feet. It can’t be much larger than our 1500sq foot house. And while inter-library loan is a wonderful idea, nothing beats the opportunity to go and grab something right off the shelf. This weekend, I will be heading out to the local used bookstore to find decent copies of banned books to put on my library’s shelves.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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