Female athletes are not fuck toys!

Olympians…world class athletes or fuck toys? Depends on if the athlete in question is male or female.  High-acheiving men are revered for their accomplishments, but the women athletes are still judged on their attractiveness and fuckability.  The Facebook group linked below states that Alicia Sacramone "sucks at gymnastics" (yeah, so why did she make the Olympic team then?!?) but, hey, a whole lot of assholes say they’d still fuck her anyways.  Great statement of values there.

If you are a member of Facebook, please sign in, go to this group, and report it.  It’s just offensive and Facebook needs some input from people who do not accept that it’s okay to publicly talk about women this way.&<nbsp; Dehumanization of half the population contributes to a whole host of problems that are addressed here every day.  Thank goodness for a raised consciousness!

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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