Rape compensation cut for drunk victims in U.K.

What the bejaysus?

According to the London Independent, compensation for rape victims has been reduced if "they asked for it" in any way.  (link:  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/rape-compensation-cut-for-drunk-victims-891816.html ).  This is in a country where successful rape prosecutions have actually gone own since the seventies, which is a bit of a head-wrecker.  Somehow the protestations by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) that this is just a misunderstanding contradicts a previous statement in the article:

"In the past year, 14 rape victims – 1 per cent of rape-related applications – were told they would receive lower levels of compensation due to alcohol consumption, the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) told the Guardian newspaper."

Thankfully, there is an appeals procedure.  I just hope more women use it.

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