Want women to get pregnant? How about some health insurance?

Anti-contraception people like to talk about how pregnancy is this miracle of nature that women are designed for. Women have babies every day, and it’s no big deal, so therefore, not letting nature take its course is wrong. All women should carry each pregnancy to term. That is God’s way.

That’s why they insist insurance companies shouldn’t be covering contraceptives, and pharmacists and doctors shouldn’t be forced to dispense or prescribe them. It’s against God and nature to interfere, after all.

However, being in that wonderful natural state is, according to most insurance companies, a medical condition, and if you happen to be uninsured and pregnant,  good luck getting insurance any time soon!

My best friend left her well-paid job to go freelance. She has been very successful. However, she let her health insurance lapse shortly before confirming her (extremely) planned pregnancy. Not a smart move, true, but she figured she could afford the higher premiums  on an individual policy, since, like I said, her freelance business was going well.

But her insurance company disagreed! They wouldn’t insure her again because she had a "preexisting medical condition." The lady she talked to at Blue Cross actually laughed at her.

So here’s an idea for you, anti-contraception lobbyists. How about also insisting that insurance companies not be allowed to turn down coverage for pregnant women? Since you’re so hell-bent on women fulfilling their biological destiny, and all. Why not give us all a little help?

PS My friend wound up getting insurance when her husband got a job. She would of course been SOL if she hadn’t been married. But that’s another blog.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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