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CEO Barbie Criticized For Promoting Unrealistic Career Images – The Onion: “Toy company Mattel is under fire from a group of activists who say their popular doll’s latest incarnation, CEO Barbie, encourages young girls to set impractical career goals.”
First Female General Nominated – Feministing Community (Marc): “I’d say it’s the beginning of a very critical start in the equalization of genders in the military. One of the reasons I decided to stay in after eight years of service, almost to the date, is because I realize that in society where rank does matter, that those who have a bit of rank can affect the people below them. Patriarchal as it is, the military leaves some room for change – and it is up to those in the military,with what little bit of rank they have, to change the culture.”
Unfetter women’s intellect on campaign trail – Newsday: “Media coverage everywhere is “Michelle vs. Cindy.” Where do they buy their dresses? Do they make bacon for breakfast? And, of course, which one can we compare to Jackie O? Is anyone else as appalled as I am at how quickly we have gone back to thinking of women in the oldest of stereotypes – as only wives and mothers?”
The Loud Silence of Feminists – The Washington Post: “Michelle Obama has become an issue in the presidential campaign even though she isn’t running for anything. An educated, successful lawyer, devoted wife and caring mother has been labeled ‘angry’ and unpatriotic and snidely referred to as Barack Obama’s ‘baby mama.’ Democrats, Republicans, independents, everyone should be offended. And this black woman is wondering: Where are Obama’s feminist defenders?”
“If she’s not crying…then I did not do my job” – Women Who Serve: “In this same story, [Justin] Gimelstob goes viciously after Anna Kournikova, calling her a bitch, a douche and a scumbag. With regard to playing against her in World Team tennis mixed doubles, he says ‘If she’s not crying by the time she walks off that court,’ then I did not do my job.” That is mild, however, compared to: ‘…she’s gonna be serving 40 miles an hour and I’m gonna be just plugging it down her throat.'”
Bratz Candy Cosmetics – Candy Blog: The doll company launches candy makeup for young girls.
Pantsuits and the Presidency – The New York Times: “Some supporters of Hillary Clinton believe that sexism colored news coverage of her presidential campaign. The Times reported in a front-page article on June 13 that many are proposing boycotts of cable news networks and that a ‘Media Hall of Shame’ has been created by the National Organization for Women. The Times itself, however, was barely mentioned, even though two of its Op-Ed columnists, Maureen Dowd and William Kristol, were named in the Hall of Shame.”
Generation Y Refuses Race-Gender Dichotomy – AlterNet: Courtney’s latest!
Judge’s ban on the use of the word ‘rape’ at trial reflects trend – Kansas City Star: “It’s the only way Tory Bowen knows to honestly describe what happened to her. She was raped. But a judge prohibited her from uttering the word ‘rape’ in front of a jury. The term ‘sexual assault’ also was taboo, and Bowen could not refer to herself as a victim or use the word “assailant” to describe the man who allegedly raped her….Bowen’s case is part of what some prosecutors and victim advocates see as a national trend in sexual assault cases.”
Tila Tequila: California lifted its gay-marriage ban “because of me” – Reality TV World: “Tila Tequila thinks she deserves some credit for California lifting its ban on same-sex marriages.”

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