Italy starts campaign to stop eating disorders.

It is good to see that eating disorders are actually considered a public health concern that is being stimulated by the fashion and beauty industry. Italy is starting a campaign on eating disorders.

Italian authorities are mounting a $1.5 million campaign against a growing epidemic of anorexia and other eating disorders in a country known for its fashion industry and image consciousness.
The Italian Ministries of Health and Sports are aiming the project at schools and the media, providing guidelines for magazines, television, radio and Internet sites to discourage ultra-thin beauty ideals.
“Anorexia and bulimia have been for many years diseases that have not been recognized as such. It was sort of a veil of unspoken and unrecognized problems,” said Giovanna Melandri, minister for young people and sports.

I wonder how the fashion industry will take to that?
via AP.

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