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femsymbol.jpgDuel of Historical Guilts – New York Times: “Some women in their 30s, 40s and early-50s who favor Barack Obama have a phrase to describe what they don’t like about Hillary Clinton: Shoulder-pad feminism.” (For serious, MoDo? Ew.)
Reese Witherspoon and Avon Team with the UN to Fight Violence Against Women – UN Dispatch: “Apparently, it’s celebrity endorsement week at the United Nations. Yesterday, we learned that Drew Barrymore is donating $1 million to the World Food Program. Today, Reese Witherspoon is getting in on the action.”
Glamour Magazine on Women, Race, and Beauty – Racialicious: “…the prevailing dominance of the white beauty ideal was not mentioned. Most of the discussion focused around corporate ideals of what is acceptable and what is not.”
Southwest Airlines & ‘The Souls of White Folk’ – Kenyon Farrow: “With his right hand, the man reached across himself to grab my left arm. With my arm in his grip, he looked me in the eyes through his glasses and replied, ‘I’m going to slap you in your mouth.'” (Just…wow.)
Want to have a baby? Now’s the time – The Boston Globe: “If you are past your early twenties, and you’re single and want to have children, you need to find a partner now. Take that career drive and direct it toward mating – your ovaries will not last longer than your career.
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Pic from rrho.

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