Thanks to our Happy Hour friends!

My friend Sara becomes the unwitting poster girl for Feministing Happy Hours.
Thank you so much to all the folks who came to Wednesday’s Holiday Happy Hour (almost 50 of you!)–Vanessa and I had a fantastic time and it was incredibly fun to meet everyone. I met women doing work on creating safer campuses, women who were standing in solidarity with the people affected by Katrina, women who work with abortion providers and doctors, and even women (and men) who just came by to say hi and have a drink. It was fab.
We’re hoping to make these a monthly event, so if you didn’t come last night but would like to come in the future–email Vanessa and she’ll put you on our NY list. We’d also like to encourage readers to start meet-ups in their own towns. (Hopefully the upgrade will facilitate this kind of thing also!)
Oh, and I totally heard a rumor: NY rules, DC drools.

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