Birth control: It’s all about you, dudes.

fuckslate.JPG I’m glad Slate is calling on Congress to address the birth-control price hike. But WTF is up with yesterday’s homepage teaser for the article? (Left.) As if all Slate readers are straight men, and they’re the ones most affected by this issue? Yes, I want men to realize that they too have a stake in affordable, accessible contraception. But this language is just annoying.
And in other birth-control-is-all-about-dudes news, Glenn Sacks has this gem of an op-ed claiming that women love complaining about bearing the burden of contraception — they love it so much that they’re actually opposed to the male birth control pill. Which is funny, because most women I know cannot wait for the advent of the male pill. In fact, we’ve put up a joyful, hopeful post every time there’s news that a male version of the pill may be hitting the market within our lifetime.
So what’s the hold up? I recall an interview with a scientist who said they stopped working on developing a male pill because men were resistant to using it.

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