Emergency Kindness: An EC Service

Via Amanda, I found out about this awesome new project called Emergency Kindness that works to make sure women have access to EC.
They rely on a network of volunteer “Janes” (a nod to the pre-Roe underground abortion service, Jane?) around the country to overnight mail or hand-deliver EC to women who are having trouble getting it — an all-too-common occurrence.

When you put in a request for help, the form is sent to San Cai’s email account. She alerts two of the Janes responsible for your region and depending on circumstances, we will rush-ship, hand-deliver, or arrange to meet you to give you your EC.

They promise no judgment, and it’s free.
So spread the word, sign up to be a Jane, or otherwise lend your support to this kickass project. Just finding out about it made my afternoon. What a great idea.

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