RI schools get rid of abstinence-only sex ed

I love me some good news.
The Rhode Island Department of Education ruled last week that schools should stop participating in a federally funded abstinence only ed program:

Last Wednesday, the state Department of Education (RIDE) Commissioner Peter McWalters sent a letter to all school districts stating the program, run by Heritage Rhode Island, had been deemed inconsistent with the Rhode Island’s education standards. “This program should therefore not be offered as part of the public school health curriculum,” he said.
McWalters’s decision came partially in response to a complaint filed with the Department of Education last fall by the Rhode Island arm of the American Civil Liberties Union (RI ACLU).
In a letter sent to McWalters, RI ACLU director Steven Brown said the Heritage program used false information about sexually transmitted diseases and conveyed negative stereotypes of homosexuals and women to students. Additionally, the ACLU charged, Heritage invaded student’s privacy by collecting information about sexual activity.

Damn. Sounds real “educational.� I’m glad that the states are taking some action over these ridiculous programs. I’m wondering if there are any parent-led initiatives to put an end to abstinence-only ed. I know if this was going on in my kids’ school, I’d be livid.

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