The Abstinence Agenda: It’s more than great shirts

The website that featured yesterday’s classy abstinence product of the day is clearly the funniest/most disturbing thing ever.
Geared towards teenage girls, touts itself as “helping woman of all ages get straight facts on relationships, sex, birth control, teen pregnancy, abortion STDs and more.” In reality the site is just a sneaky anti-choice, anti-sex group trying to appeal to what they think teen girls would like.
Pandagon and Feministe pointed out the scary though hysterical advice the site gives on relationships and sex. Outside of building your perfect guy (cause gays are just a myth), the most horrible feature on this pink-toned monstrosity of a website is the marriage section.
It was the True or False Marriage Quiz that really got to me. Here are just a few of the false and potentially dangerous messages the site is sending young women:

Marriage benefits men more than women.
False: It is widely agreed upon that men and women alike are winners when it comes to marriage: guys are thought to be healthier, and women wealthier because of marriage.

Cause everyone knows guys can’t cook for themselves and girls can’t make money.

Couples who live together before marriage are more satisfied with their marriage and are less likely to get divorced.
False: Studies show that people who live together before marriage actually have a higher risk of breaking up. They often have different ideas about commitment and resolving conflict, which can drive them apart over time.

We swear–living in sin sucks!
But my personal fave:

Getting married increases a woman’s chance of being abused.
False: Living together without the commitment and structure of marriage is frequently associated with a higher risk of domestic violence for women.

So if your boyfriend is beating you up, it’s probably because you haven’t married him. Better hop to it before you really get hurt! So not only is this quiz “answer” total bullshit, it’s completely irresponsible and dangerous.
By the way, the site is a project of Care Net, who for more than 30 years has “worked to restore a culture of life in North America” by creating pregnancy centers. You know–the places that advertise under “abortion” in the yellow pages and then try to scare the shit out teen girls so they won’t end the pregnancy. Lovely.

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