
Heidi Fleiss, ex-madam and convict for running a prostitution ring about a decade ago, has plans to get back into sex work, except the brothel she’s looking to open will be full of men. A rooster ranch, or so they call it.
The town of choice is Pahrump, Nevada, a tiny city about 80 miles northwest from Las Vegas. Fleiss intends to get what she calls a “stud farm” and charge a whopping $250 an hour for the gentlemen’s services. She seems anticipate to a majority of female clients:

“Women are more independent these days…They make more money and it’s hard to meet people. You wouldn’t believe the number of women who’ve told me, ‘Heidi, if you do this, I’ll be the first one in line’. I mean, relationships are harder than dieting – you know what I mean?”

No, not really. (I try to stay away from both.) But I can’t deny that I’m curious to see how much business she does.
Any thoughts?

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