Feminism gets men laid

Kind of.
This headline cracks me up, Want more sex? Do the dishes!
But the sentiment is right on. I don’t think it’s news that women are less likely to want to have sex with a guy who sits on his ass while they’re busy cleaning the whole house. It’s so simple and logical, but for some reason guys need a reminder every once in a while.
But a new study shows that there are other benefits to men sharing the housework load besides getting laid more often:

…a new study has found that women aren’t merely more accommodating of the advances of men who help them – they actually find them more attractive.
…What’s more, children of dads who do their fair share of the cleaning will help with housework themselves. And, says the study, these children are likely to grow up more socially aware and better adjusted. They’re also more likely to have friends and less likely to be depressed or withdrawn at school than their counterparts whose fathers don’t help out around the home.
Fathers who did a share of housework were also more likely to show affection towards their children.

Good stuff.
Via Alternet’s The Mix.

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