Report says women’s success makes men sick

You’re going to love this. Really.
Early starts, late nights and endless meetings may be good for the bank balance, but professional women beware. You could be making your husband sick.
Research will this week say that the more committed and successful a woman is at work, the worse her partner feels. The findings blame a syndrome called “unfulfilled husband hypothesis” for making men feel inadequate when women stray too far beyond their traditional roles. The man of the house, it seems, is still not cut out for domesticity.
…Men’s physical and mental health is “significantly poorer when their wives work full-time”, say the authors of the study.

The report also contends that men are healthier when they earn more than their wives. Wow.
Is men’s health so fragile that it’s dependent on feeling superior to women? If that is the case, it seems to me that the problem isn’t that women work, but that men are massively insecure. Not to mention, I don’t know that feeling inadequate counts as a serious health problem.
Thanks to Kris for the link.

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