Women absent from the news

A new study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism shows that women are notably absent as sources in most news stories:
Researchers from the Project for Excellence in Journalism found that although women now make up more than half the U.S. population and hold positions of power in government and business, their opinions are absent from large swaths of news coverage, particularly reports about politics, the military and foreign policy. Women were most likely to be included in feature stories about children, celebrities and homemaking, among others.
Male sources were present in more than three quarters of all stories, while only a third of stories even had one female source. Nice.

More findings from the report:

In every topic category, the majority of stories cited at least one male source.
In contrast, the only topic category where women crossed the 50% threshold was lifestyle stories.
The subject women were least likely to be cited on was foreign affairs.
Newspapers were the most likely of the media studied to cite at least one female source in a story (41% of stories). Cable news, despite all the time it has to fill, was the least likely medium to cite a female source (19% of stories), and this held true across all three major cable channels.

Rox Populi also has the story.

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