Our time together has come to an end

Just like Carrie, I do my hair and make-up before I even think of sitting down to write.
Thanks, y’all, for having me guest blog for this week! The timing couldn’t have been better, since my usual site, Pandagon is down to be moved and retooled. I have a huge backlog of stories to write about, but most of them are hugely depressing, and hey, it’s Saturday. Instead, I’ll turn your attention to this goofy story on blogs and dating that I got from Steve Gilliard.
As people put more details of their lives online, they’re also finding love – or at least a little lovin’.
“Blog hookups” are becoming more common as more people read Web logs on everything from media gossip to online diaries, bloggers say.
“Find any attractive female blogger and I’m sure she’s been asked out,” said Jessica Coen, 25, editor of Gawker.com. “People say anything behind the keyboard.”

Of course, the implication is if no one has asked you out online, then you aren’t attractive. Of course, it helps you give your blog a title that says, “I need a man.”

Heather Hunter, author of the popular blog This Fish Needs a Bicycle, said she’s asked out quite a bit by readers – including one man who wanted her to move to Oregon.
“Said he was my lover and knight on a steed,” said Hunter, 26, an upper East Sider who has detailed dates and failed romances at thisfish.com.
The one time she dated a fan, it didn’t turn out so well.
“We had a great time, but for whatever reason, I got spooked and there was never a second,” Hunter E-mailed. “He didn’t have a blog so the all-knowingness was strictly one-sided and I felt exposed, for lack of a better word.”
A romance with a fellow blogger lasted longer – until Hunter learned through the blogosphere that the guy was dating another woman.

Sounds dramatic. If she has these problems all the time, I may have to start reading her blog.
I’ve never had anyone be aggressive or rude about it, but I think it’s inevitable that women online are going to get the occasional proposition. I have a boyfriend, but even if I didn’t, I don’t think I’d feel comfortable going out with a stranger who happens to read my blog. Am I over-reacting? Or does this whole thing have a veneer of creepy to it?

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