Ah, so that explains it

We have more fun when the boys aren’t around.
The new Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Cardinal Ratzinger, is known for having quite a few very conservative opinions, not the least of which are his backwards opinions on women’s roles. The new pope supports the belief that a woman’s place in in the home, a stance that has always puzzled me. What do a bunch of celibate cardinals care if women have jobs? Do they stand against women’s rights out of some sort of misguided male solidarity? A small detail in this story about the new pope cleared up some of these questions for me:
After the traditional burning of ballots and the pope’s triumphant balcony appearance Tuesday, Benedict XVI invited the cardinals back to a hasty celebratory dinner. Caught off-guard, 20 nuns at the cardinals’ Vatican residence improvised a repast of soup, beans, cold cuts, ice cream and Champagne.
Damn, I’d give up sex too if I had a cadre of nuns on hand to make lavish dinners, complete with Champagne, at a moment’s notice, too.
From Echidne of the Snakes.

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