Holy Shit.

For only fifteen bucks, you can get yourself a pretty beaded bracelet. But this is not just a bracelet; it represents a secret society of self-destructive young girls and women.
I’ve heard of these underground “pro-ana” websites before, where young women bond over their eating disorders and feel that there’s no need to get better. It’s a way of life and they don’t want to change. For example, bluedragonfly.org. is one of the sites where you can purchase these bracelets.
The pretty jewelry is a sign of membership that can distinguish each other in public, so they can identify their fellow members. But the bracelets aren’t just limited to eating disorders.
Red bracelets represent anorexia.
Purple represents bulimia.
Black and blue is for self-injury, like cutting.

I’m quite speechless. The depressing part of this is that when young girls do come together, it’s for an unhealthy and destructive lifestyle. Is this the only way we can support each other, by killing ourselves?
Much thanks to Rebecca for the link.

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