Exposure to Online “Feminist Position on Rape” Overturns Conviction

I don’t know a bunch on the justice system, but this case caught my attention and made me wonder.
A man’s rape conviction was overturned because a jury member researched the crime on the internet, reports Mirror.co.uk. He will now face a retrial and the jury may be banned from using the internet during the hearings.
It seems that after the conviction was made, two downloaded documents — “The Feminist Position on Rape” and “Rape and the Criminal Justice System” — were found in the jury room. Although there was no indication that the documents were discussed among the jurors, the judge told the court that “The internet can provide material which may influence a juror’s views. If used for research purposes during a trial, it can just as easily influence the juror’s mind as a discussion with a friend or neighbour.”

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