The pill makes you partner-picky

Who knew that my discriminating taste in men was due to my choice of contraception?
Reuters reported yesterday that birth control pills change women’s preference in men.
Psychologists at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland asked 1570 young women on oral contraceptives and 1325 women who were not, to choose between healthy and less healthy male faces. The same face was presented twice, one image glowing with apparent health, the other looking pale and unwell.
All women preferred the healthier face on average but those on the Pill were significantly more choosy. “Women using oral contraceptives expressed stronger attraction to apparent health than women not using oral contraceptives,” the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Um, who were these chicks who wanted pasty, sick-looking guys? And I wonder if the study took into account that not all women like the men-folk at all, sick or healthy-looking…

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