
The Washington Post reported today that a “federal appeals court prohibited the government from withholding funds from colleges and universities that refuse to cooperate with military recruiters because of the Pentagon’s discrimination against gays in the armed forces.”
RIGHT ON! This is wonderful news.
Here’s the deal: Colleges and law schools around the country have been, over the last few years, protesting military recruiters on campus because of the military’s discrimination against gays. [A few weeks ago here at the University of Michigan Law School people wore suits in protest of JAG recruiters. It was really powerful.]
In late 2001, the Pentagon (gotta love Rumsfeld) sent letters to more than 20 law schools threatening to cut off their federal funding unless they stopped. Gotta love free speech!
According to the Post, when faced with this threat, the law schools began cooperating with the Pentagon but filed complaints in federal court seeking to overturn the law.
“Yesterday’s ruling in a case … overturned a decision by a lower court judge and marked the first time an appeals court had blocked the government from enforcing the law.”
YEE FUCKING HAW!!!!! Take that Bush. Now if we could only get the Supreme Court to EVENTUALLY hear some gay marriage cases, justice might actually be within reach.

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