Holy fucking shit

The shitstorm just doesn’t stop these days. A Texas school district has decided to scrap a homecoming tradition, TWIRP Day (The Woman Is Requested to Pay), because of its “homosexual overtones.”
On this particular day, girls dress like boys and visa-versa, and it supposedly gives “boys and girls a chance to reverse social roles and let older girls invite boys on dates, open doors and pay for sodas.” Sounds thrilling.
Instead, the district will hold “Camo Day,” where kids ranging from elementary to high school will dress “with black boots and Army camouflage.”
Where to start…
Clearly this unfortunately-named Texas school tradition has a bevy of problems in terms of the whole stereotyped gender roles thang. But I’ll leave those arguments for another day.
What I find truly bizarre:
Assuming that any kind of reversal of traditional gender roles is “cross-dressing” and “homosexual.” I mean come on now, it’s a fucking cheesy school thing, not a gay recruiting day.
Implying that cross-dressing or being gay is wrong.
Coming to the conclusion that dressing your kids as trained killers is better than even the slightest suggestion of nontraditional gender roles or homosexuality. (If you can call the truly weird and old-fashioned idea of “girls paying for sodas” nontraditional…)
Local mom Delana Davies–a complaining parent–said the day was much more than a school tradition, but essentially a stepping stone to sin:
“It’s like experimenting with drugs…You just keep playing with it and it becomes customary…If it’s OK to dress like a girl today, then why is it not OK in the future?”
Hear that homos?! Get off the junk!
Is it just me, or are stories like this getting more and more common?

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